Freeloading Phill and ...

... The Dresden Files 1: Storm Front by Jim Butcher

After hearing about these books for a while - as both books and also an upcoming roleplaying game - I finally borrowed a copy a few months back and eventually got around to reading it over the past few weeks in between bouts of stressful systems upgrade syndrome.

I found it to be a great little detective noir story with the downtrodden magician private-eye carrying the story with his attitude and narration. Harry Dresden reminded me a little of Burke from the Burke novels by Andrew Vachss.

All in all I recommend it and I'm sure I'll read more of the series just as soon as I clear my pile of "to be read" books.

1 comment:

Oops.. I deleted my blog!! said...

Blood Pressure.....

"Having a morsel of chocolate every day may lower blood pressure levels and lead to clinically important reductions for cardiovascular diseases, suggests a new study. "

Hmm... I wonder if your result can be attributed to the morning hot chocolate, the late afternoon chocolate bar , the late late afternoon chocolate biscuits or the I'm working really late late late chocolate milk ?.........